JADN home page JADN Repository home page Street map of Hat Yai, South Thailand

This road map of the town of Hat Yai in Songkhla Province, South Thailand, dates from about 1975

Street Map of Hat Yai (click for larger map)
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Hat Yai city

Hat Yai (alternative spellings Hatyai or Hadyai) is now the biggest city in the Songkhla Province of Southern Thailand, which is near the border with Malaysia. Here is a scan of a small paper street map of central Hat Yai, given to tourists in the mid 1970s.

The Prince of Songkla University now has its biggest campus in Hat Yai.

The map shows:


Railway Hotel, Sri Hat Yai Hotel, Laem Thong Hotel, Cathay Hotel, Metro Hotel, Savoy Hotel, Sang Fah Hotel, Hor Rah Hotel, Kim Hua Hotel, Sin Ah Hotel, Yong Dee Hotel, King's Hotel


Bank of Thailand, Bangkok Bank of Commerce, Bangkok Bank, Thai Development Bank, Government Savings Bank, Thai Farmers Bank, Bangkok Metropolitan Bank, Siam Commercial Bank, Krung Thai Bank, Thai Metropolitan Bank, Bank of Asia for Industry and Commerce

Other businesses

Odean Cenima Hall, Sia Cenima Hall, Chalermthai Cenima Hall, Sakura Night Club, Sukhontha Shopping Center, Thai Airways Co Ltd, Market

Other buildings

Railway Station, Immigration Office, Police Station, Television Station, Hospital, Municipality Hall, Post and Telegraph Office, Public Library, Christian Center, Seventh Day Adventist Hospital, Wat Koksamakun, Quarantine, Slaughter-house, Hat Yai Telephone Exchange, Tourist Organisation of Thailand


Darun Suksa School, Hat Yai Amnuaywit School, Hat Hai Wittayalai School, Thidanukroh School, Sangthong Wittaya School, Prapan Wittaya School


Petkasem Highway, Sri Poovanat Road, Supasarnrangsan Road, Padung Pakdee Road, Niyomrat Road, Pridarom Road, Manas Ruedee Road, Kimpradit Road, Chee Uthit Road, Thamanoonvithi Road, Prachathipat Road, Niphat Uithit 1/2/3, Sanehanusorn Road, Saeng Chan Road, Paradorn Road, Duang Chan Road, Pracharak Road, Saeng Arthit Road, Chaiyakul Road, Cheeva Nusorn Road, Chuam Rat Road, Saeng Sie Road, Montri Road, Pul Suwan Road, Prathan Uthit Road, Niphat Songkroh 1/2/3/4

Other landmarks

Klong Tuey (canal), Children playground, Fountain Circle, Municipal Poles 2, 3 and 6 and Municipal Precinct

Full size map of Hat Yai, South Thailand

A modern street map of Hat Yai can be found at http://www.phukhao.com/download/maps/Hatyai_map.gif

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