Thomas Henry

Book Illustrator

Tom was internationally famous for his book illustrations

This wonderful picture of three jolly old men at Christmas was designed to open a paragraph in a story book but I do not know for which publication it was intended. It may not have been published.

Throughout his career his illustrations are seen in publications such as The London Mail and The Strand Magazine.

Early in his career,Tom was involved with the advertising department of the Nottingham based cigarette firm John Players. He is reputed to have assisted in the updating of the famous sailor's head, found on the Navy Cut cigarette packet.

His most prolific output was for children's literature such as Our Elizabeth Again by Florence Kirkpatrick.

He was the original illustrator for the Jane stories by Evadne Price from 1927 - 1937, published in the Novel magazine.

During the 1920/30's Thomas Henry illustrations can be found in various popular magazines including,The Happy Mag, The Crusoe Mag, The Sunny Mag and Tit Bits Summer Annual.

He contributed many hundreds of illustrations and front covers for children's annuals such as Blackie's Boys Annual and The Boys' Budget pictured below.

Perhaps he will always be most fondly remembered for his interpretation of William Brown in the William books and many magazines in which the celebrated characture appeared.

Featured left is a typical, comical example of his work entitled "Too Good to be True"

Please move onto to perhaps his most loved work.......William